Wednesday 25 February 2009

How to be a Brendon Urie

How to be a Brendon Urie

The steps:

1. Listen to Panic at the Disco’s music. Know the members, albums, and song title.

2. Learn how to play multiple musical instruments, not only the guitar.

3. Listen to older music, not just the current hits, 80’s and 90’s rock and electronic music are great starting points. It’s also a nice idea to learn music history. Understand about a bit about the bands you’ll be listening to, and know more than their hit song.

4. Wear funky clothes that are still a bit stylish. A big part of Panic at the Disco’s sound is cabaret, and this can be incorporated into your style.

5. Keep your hair short and dark, and give it a bit with some gel. An alternate style is leaving a bit fringed and using no hair product.

6. Make funny faces in photos. When you take pictures with your friends, purse your lips together, cross your eyes and make other silly faces.

7. Wear glasses. If possible get red thick framed glasses.

8. Try to be as hyper as possible. We all know Brendon loves to drink redbull, so try it out too!

9. Try to have high self-confidence. You must loose the problem performing in front of five thousand people.

10. Learn how to have a fit stamina when you sing for fifteen songs with screams and jumps.

Monday 16 February 2009


"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words"

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Cuma sharing foto lucu....

Thursday 22 January 2009

Brendon in Thousand Faces

Brendon in thousand faces

She’s called Fryan

She’s called Fryan. In the Softball team, she used the number of 02. Everything’s about Fryan ’02. She likes baseball. Everything about baseball, such as games, teams, costumes, tools, even fields.

First time she began to feel interested of this sport because of the movie named “Stick and Stones”. This movie told about three 13 year-old boys who lived for baseball. Shy was a shy-guy and a super baseball pitcher. Book was a nerd an excellent catcher. And Mouth was a brave rebel boy who wanted to be Shy’s agent. They tried to stand up to vicious local bully, named Billy Hayes.

So, Fryan likes this movie very much. Another her favourite movies are Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Blood Diamond, The Cure, Troy, and Hannibal Lecture Movies.

Fryan was born on June 14, 1985 on Cirebon, the one city in West Java, Indonesia. Her favourite band at the present is Panic! At The Disco. This band comes from US. Fryan thinks that this band has a unique and cool music. She knew at the first time in 2006. But she didn’t feel like this band, only enjoying the songs. Time passes by, she begins to like this band very much especially the vocalist., Mr. Brendon Urie. Even in her office, she’s called “Brentih”.

At the present, this Moslem girl works at Angkasa, the publishing company as the science editor. The girl who wears veil graduated from Department of Chemistry from Padjadjaran University. Now she lives in Bandung, while her parents live in hometown, Cirebon. Her hobbies are browsing internet, cooking, and listening to the music. One of her favourite song is “If you’re not the one” by Daniel Beddingfield. She doesn’t want to erase this song from MP3 play list coz the song reminds her to someone.

Another hobby is reading. She likes reading enough, especially Harry Potter Books. And the record is reading 200 pages Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows book per day.
She calls herself as “miss independent”. She tries to do anything by herself as long as she believes that she can do it alone. She hates people who want to make friend with her for only the pluses. Fryan just wants to make friends with sincerity with people who can accept her pluses and minuses.

This imaginative girl wants to meet someone from the past. Contact her in and The motto is “Keep trying hard. You will find a great thing or someone because, believe, God always love you”.

Friday 12 December 2008


You’ll never be a burden
I wanna see you urgent
Even the world say it’s forbidden

My feeling for you cannot be hidden
That’s why you are unforgotten
So please Brendon….
Take me to an eden

('',) ('',)

Thursday 11 December 2008

Tulisan Brentih…
Pertama tau ada band Panic! At The Disco (nama yang aneh kan? But OK) tuh duluu…banget. Hehe…ga dulu-dulu amat ding! Trus tahun 2006 (maybe, gak inget), gw punya MP3 kompilasi barat getho…Ada lagu band itu yang judulnya “I Write Sins, Not Tragedies”. Maksudnya? And then, terus aja gw suka.
Two years later, ada lagu baru PATD (Panic! At The Disco, red)lho! Gw cari MP3nya di internet buat di-download. Liriknya begini “Back to the street where we begin, feeling as good as lovers can you know, yeah we’re feeling so good”. Sukaaa… banget ama lagu itu. Jadi aja deh tertarik ama PATD. Wanna know how, wonder why…. Sok Inggris ye..?
Time passes by… gw cari deh lagu-lagunya ampe yang jadul dari album pertamanya. Cari tau juga personil-personil PATD siapa aja plus muka-mukanya Brandon, Ryan, Jon, Spencer. Tapi hix…pas 17 Agustus kemarin they were here, came to Jakarta. They had a concert but hix…I can’t see Mr. Urie and friends…(ekspresimukasedihtapidibuatbuat).
Then I come into new office. Meet some new friends. I told them … (eh…jangan sok Inggris deh). Intinya gw cerita klo gw suka PATD en ngenalin PATD ke mereka. Akhirnya tersebarlah “virus Brandon”. Malahan ada PATD versi Indonesia segala, lagi! Brentih, Tahe, Uzumaki, en Novalina Spencer Temat. Haha..! But it’s only for fun, kok. Daripada pusing neh (mikirineditanyanggakberesberestea).
Cuma PATD yang gak mengecewakan…
PATD yang punya lagu dengan lirik-lirik yang nyeleneh…
PATD yang kebanyakan judul lagunya panjaaang banget…
PATD yang kebanyakan judul lagunya gak ada di lirik…khas banget…
PATD yang (ngakunya) nge-rock tapi dengan gaya mereka sendiri…
PATD yang selalu coba musik-musik baru…
PATD yang udah jadi salah satu “the most wanted band in the world”
PATD yang punya Brandon…
Brandon yang punya Ratih… (apa sih…?)
Cuma PATD yang gak mengecewakan…….

Love, Brentih,,,
PS: setelah ngetik ini jari-jari gw pegel-pegel (sijariprotesklobisangomong). Pikiran melayang ke Mr. Urie (sambilberhayalBrandonadadisininyanyiwhenthedaymetthenightdibawahsinarbulanpurnamayangromantiiissekali).